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Principal's Message

Thank you for visiting our website. We want our school family to be an extension of your family. We not only want to serve you in time of joy, Happiness and triumphs but also in the times of challenges, grief and struggle. Our main focus is preparing our Students for success with Academic challenges that awards them; helping to develop a strong character; providing them a wide range of opportunities in Academics, the Arts, Athletics and Extracurricular Activities; encouraging the development of Leadership quality and supporting our Students on their journey from Childhood to young Adulthood.


Our Students learn from Experienced Dedicated and Talented Faculty to inspire, encourage and nurture. I look forward working with you as we help to create a school where Parents are welcome anytime, Students are engaged in meaningful learning and the staff members are valued and appreciated for their efforts. 

Mission Vision

Our Vision

Empowering Children with Knowledge and skills in a challenging Learning environment, where they are transformed into productive Citizens to Succeed in the Global Environment

Our Mission

To facilitate all round development by providing excellent avenues and infrastructure. To educate and instill in students, the values of integrity, loyalty and honesty. To create a home- away - from home environment and ensure adequate emotional and social care is provided to all students.

About: Photo Gallery
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